Sunday, August 06, 2006

Being Lazy Can Get Fucked.

OK, I know that before today it's been forever since I have posted to the blog about people that can get fucked. I would apologize, but to put it bluntly, fuck you. You're not the boss of me.

Other than ranting about that pussy from Jeepers Creepers, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be published, sort of, in a magazine geared towards directionless twenty-somethings called Quarter Life Magazine. I think it's only going to be on the Internet, because it is also compiled, edited, and written mainly by directionless twenty-somethings. Also they aren't paying me any money. So really, I'm doing them a huge favor. One of these days, it will be up and running at Go there and keep hitting refresh until they get off of their asses and publish the magazine.

My article is entitled "If I am Ever at Your Party and You Play the Buzz Ballads CD, I Will Defile Your Medicine Cabinet." If you've never heard of the buzz ballads comp CD, you are lucky. It can get fucked so hard. You'll have to be on the lookout for this magazine to come out before you get my illuminating viewpoint on it, though. Don't be thrown off by the absence of the word "fuck," however. The editors didn't think my usual vitriolic hate would play as awesomely in the sticks as it does to 10 of my friends on the Internet. Because apparently people in the sticks are pussies. (Note: I grew up in the sticks, and a lot of those people have the worst language I've ever heard in my life, so that is a fallacy.) But hey, diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks, am I right?

Maybe I'll post more frequently on here, or maybe this blog can get fucked. ONLY TIME WILL TELL!

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